Language is a major component of user experience.

Words impact usability. Choosing action verbs, using forms that are easy to project, makes a clear difference between the speaker and the recipient… All this makes navigating and using a user interface easy or not, clear or not, and, in the end, engaging or not.

Language also has an impact on brand image. Depending on the tone you use, the vocabulary you choose, the way you address users, visitors form their own image of your brand. Through distance, consideration, engagement, users decide who you are and how much you are willing to help them.

Once users have decided on the user experience your interface provides, it hardly changes, because replacing a piece of information in someone’s memory requires ten times more energy than adding a piece of information to an available part of someone’s memory.

Wordings impact trust. A problem with the quality or accuracy of a translation, a few hackneyed expressions or slang are enough to dissuade a potential customer from completing their purchase on your online store.

With our extensive experience in user interfaces, we know how to choose the works. Translating an interface into French is a serious job for specialists. We have a team for this.

Please feel very free to send a message or schedule a call would you like to know more.